Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Ride For Haiti, part 2-Devotional

Day 3
May 3, 2011
Romans 13:8  “If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously.”

In my first few days of the bike trip I have experienced first hand what a wonderful difference great leadership can make.  Leadership according to the Bible is not something you demand or deserve or covet.   Biblical leadership is servant leadership.  And when you have it people gladly allow you to lead them.  A servant leader is humble, sacrificial, and is not seeking the spot light.  A servant leader does not have to insist on his way or force people to follow him or her.  When that is happening they have lost any hope of leading others.  Today Pastor John Barichivich and this evening Doctor Randy Smith demonstrated that people love being a part of what they are up to.  “You point the way and we will follow you.”  And the reason is that they have served these people well and have earned their loyalty.
Our churches need men and women  who understand biblical leadership.  People who don’t understand biblical leadership and are serving in positions of leadership in congregations, are a detriment to the health and vitality of the congregation.  In the same way, people who have been blessed with the gift of leadership and are not serving God with their leadership gifts, are preventing the church from being a powerful agent for God and good in the community.  Are you a biblical leader?

Prayer:  Lord help me to know if I am a biblical leader, and if I am then give me the courage to serve.  Amen.

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